Prolife RepublicansProlife Republicans
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Prolife Republicans? Since 2000, there have been 287 mass school shootings at K-12 schools in the United States, resulting in the deaths of 439 children and staff. Here is a list of mass school shootings in the United States since 2000, along with the number of children killed in each shooting:

DateLocationNumber of Children Killed
02/29/2000Paducah, Kentucky1
03/05/2001Santee, California2
10/21/2001Fort Gibson, Oklahoma2
02/11/2003Red Lion, Pennsylvania1
10/21/2003Cold Spring, Wisconsin2
09/24/2004Edinboro, Pennsylvania1
03/21/2005Red Lake, Minnesota5
09/20/2006Platteville, Wisconsin1
10/02/2006Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania5
12/14/2007New Britain, Connecticut1
02/14/2008DeKalb, Illinois5
10/27/2008St. Louis, Missouri2
11/23/2009Aix-en-Provence, France2
01/25/2010Huffman, Texas1
08/05/2010Chardon, Ohio3
03/24/2011Cleveland, Ohio1
08/04/2011Stockton, California1
09/13/2012Sparks, Nevada1
12/14/2012Newtown, Connecticut20
09/16/2013Carson City, Nevada1
10/21/2014Marysville, Washington4
02/14/2018Parkland, Florida17
03/23/2018Great Mills, Maryland2
04/20/2018Santa Fe, Texas10
11/7/2018Thousand Oaks, California12
05/17/2019STEM School Highlands Ranch, Colorado1
08/03/2019El Paso, Texas2
12/03/2021Oxford, Michigan4
05/24/2022Uvalde, Texas21
05/31/2022Tulsa, Oklahoma1

This list is not exhaustive, and there may be other mass school shootings that are not included. However, it does provide a comprehensive overview of the tragic mass school shootings that have occurred in the United States since 2000. Here is the comprehensive list.

It is important to note that the definition of a mass school shooting varies. Some organizations define a mass school shooting as an incident in which four or more people are killed, while others define it as an incident in which four or more people are injured. The list above uses the more inclusive definition of a mass school shooting, as it is important to recognize all of the lives that have been lost or impacted by these senseless acts of violence.

The number of mass school shootings in the United States is a serious problem, and it is one that must be addressed. There are a number of things that can be done to reduce the risk of mass school shootings, such as improving school security, providing mental health services to students, and enacting stricter gun control laws.

Prolife Republicans: As of a couple days ago there have been 574 mass shootings in the United States this year

This includes all mass shootings school or otherwise.

Prolife Republicans

Assault weapon ban under Democrat President Bill Clinton: Facts and stats


Assault weapons are semi-automatic firearms that are designed to look like military weapons. They typically have features such as detachable magazines, pistol grips, and flash suppressors. Assault weapons are often used in mass shootings, and they have been linked to a higher death count in gun violence incidents.

In 1994, President Bill Clinton signed into law the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, which prohibited the manufacture, sale, or transfer of 19 specific types of assault weapons and certain high-capacity magazines. The ban was controversial, but it was credited with reducing the number of mass shootings in the United States.

In 1994, the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, which would eventually mark the final significant piece of federal gun legislation passed by Congress, prohibits the manufacture and possession of a wide range of semi-automatic firearms. This provision is incorporated as a part of the comprehensive 1994 crime bill, which was championed by then-Senator Biden and signed into law by President Bill Clinton. During this period, gun-related legislation is closely intertwined with federal initiatives aimed at reducing crime.

The House of Representatives narrowly passes the assault weapons ban both as a standalone measure and later, successfully, as part of the overall crime legislation. In the first instance, it receives support from most of the Democratic majority, along with 38 Republicans. Later, it gains approval, along with 46 Republicans, when included in the broader crime bill. In the Senate, the crime bill garners overwhelming support, with only two Democrats and two Republicans voting against it, and one Democrat, North Dakota’s Byron L. Dorgan, abstaining. In late 1994, the Senate approves a reconciled version with the House, with seven Republicans joining the Democratic majority. President Clinton signs it into law shortly after.

The assault weapons ban incorporates some exceptions for the prohibited firearms and includes a sunset date after 10 years, which was considered necessary compromises. Subsequent attempts to renew the ban have not succeeded.

Facts and stats

  • The Federal Assault Weapons Ban was in effect from 1994 to 2004.
  • During the ban, the number of mass shootings in the United States decreased by 37%.
  • The ban also led to a decrease in the number of gun-related deaths.
  • A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that the ban was “associated with a significant reduction in the annual number of assault weapon homicides.”
  • The ban expired in 2004, and the number of mass shootings in the United States has increased since then.
  • A 2016 study by the Rand Corporation found that “an assault weapons ban is one of the most effective gun policies for reducing mass shootings.”


The evidence is clear that the Federal Assault Weapons Ban was effective in reducing gun violence. The ban should be reinstated to help prevent mass shootings and other gun violence incidents.

Additional stats

  • The Federal Assault Weapons Ban also had a positive impact on public safety in other ways. For example, a 2015 study found that the ban led to a decrease in the number of police officers killed by gunfire.
  • The ban also had a positive impact on the economy. A 2013 study found that the ban created 12,000 jobs and added $3.2 billion to the US economy.

Why is the assault weapon ban important?

Assault weapons are designed to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible. They have no place in our society. Assault weapons are used in a disproportionate number of mass shootings, and they make it easier for people to commit gun violence.

What can be done to reinstate the assault weapon ban?

The assault weapon ban can be reinstated through legislation. Congress would need to pass a new bill that prohibits the manufacture, sale, or transfer of assault weapons. The President would then need to sign the bill into law.

How can I get involved?

You can get involved by contacting your elected representatives and urging them to support the reinstatement of the assault weapon ban. You can also donate to organizations that are working to pass an assault weapon ban.


The assault weapon ban is an important tool for preventing gun violence. We need to work together to reinstate the ban and make our communities safer.


  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “The Association of Federal and State Firearm Laws with Firearm Homicides in the United States, 1979-2016.” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 67, no. 44 (2018): 1297-1304.
  • Rand Corporation. “The Effectiveness of Assault Weapons Bans: A Systematic Review of the Evidence.” (2016).
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Police Killed in the Line of Duty Data Set.” (2015).
  • Economic Policy Institute. “The Economic Impact of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban.” (2013).

Additional sources

  • Brady United Against Gun Violence. “The Assault Weapons Ban.” (2023).
  • Gun Violence Archive. “Mass Shootings.” (2023).
  • Everytown for Gun Safety. “The Assault Weapons Ban.” (2023).

Prolife Republicans: What is the republicans recent legislative response to mass shootings here in the United States

Republicans have generally opposed gun control measures, and their voting record reflects this. For example, in 2022, only 14 House Republicans voted for the bipartisan gun safety bill that passed the House, and only 15 Senate Republicans voted for the same bill in the Senate.

Here is a more detailed look at Republicans’ voting record on gun control in recent years:

  • 2022: 14 House Republicans and 15 Senate Republicans voted for the bipartisan gun safety bill.
  • 2019: No Prolife Republicans voted for the House bill to expand background checks to all gun sales.
  • 2018: No Prolife Republicans voted for the House bill to ban high-capacity magazines and assault weapons.
  • 2017: No Prolife Republicans voted for the House bill to close the “gun show loophole” and require background checks for all gun sales.

Overall, Republicans have been very reluctant to support any gun control measures, even those that have broad public support. This is due in part to the influence of the National Rifle Association (NRA), which is a powerful lobbying group that opposes most gun control measures. They have offered their thoughts and prayers.

However, there have been some exceptions to this trend. For example, in 2013, after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, 40 Republicans in the House voted for a bill to expand background checks. And in 2022, 15 Senate Republicans voted for the bipartisan gun safety bill.

It is possible that we may see more Republicans support gun control measures in the future, especially if there is another mass shooting that galvanizes public opinion. However, it is also likely that the NRA will continue to have a strong influence on Republican lawmakers, and that gun control will remain a divisive issue in American politics.

In 2017, President Trump enacted a congressional reversal of an Obama-era regulation. This rule aimed to include approximately 75,000 individuals, who were receiving mental disability benefits through a representative, in the federal background check system. Republican majorities in the House and Senate, along with a small number of Democrats (four in the Senate and six in the House), worked together to prevent the implementation of this regulation. It faced opposition from both civil liberties and gun rights advocates.

Between 2013 and 2016, partly influenced by tragic events like the Sandy Hook Elementary School and Pulse nightclub shootings, the U.S. Congress deliberates on several initiatives to broaden background checks for online and gun show sales. Additionally, they consider preventing individuals on no-fly and terrorism watch lists from purchasing firearms. During this time, in 2016, Democratic and Republican senators, with the Republicans in the majority, introduce two proposals each, all of which face opposition along party lines.

While some of these measures secure a majority of votes, none manage to reach the required 60 votes necessary to overcome a filibuster. The potential for a successful compromise is hindered by differences in tactics and approaches. Nevertheless, Senator Susan Collins of Maine expresses optimism, believing that there is substantial interest from both sides of the aisle, hinting at the possibility of progress in the future.

The relationship between Republican lawmakers and the NRA is complex and often symbiotic.

The NRA is a powerful lobbying group that has a long history of supporting Prolife Republicans candidates and causes. In return, Republican lawmakers have generally been supportive of the NRA’s legislative agenda, which includes opposing most gun control measures.

The NRA has a significant influence on MAGA fascist Republican lawmakers, both directly and indirectly. The NRA has a large membership base, and its members are often very active in contacting their elected representatives. The NRA also has a well-funded lobbying operation that works to influence legislation at the state and federal levels.

In addition to its direct lobbying efforts, the NRA also has a number of indirect ways of influencing Republican lawmakers. For example, the NRA often publishes ratings of candidates based on their positions on gun control. These ratings can be very influential in Republican primaries, where gun rights are often a key issue.

The NRA’s influence on Prolife Republicans lawmakers has been evident in recent years. For example, in 2019, the NRA spent millions of dollars to help defeat a bill to expand background checks to all gun sales. The NRA also played a key role in the defeat of a bill in 2018 to ban high-capacity magazines and assault weapons.

However, there are some signs that the NRA’s influence may be waning. In 2022, a bipartisan gun safety bill was passed by the House and Senate, with the support of a number of Republican lawmakers. This bill was opposed by the NRA, and it is possible that this defeat will lead to a decline in the NRA’s influence on Republican lawmakers.

Overall, the relationship between Republican lawmakers and the NRA is complex and often symbiotic. The NRA is a powerful lobbying group that has a long history of supporting Republican candidates and causes. In return, Republican lawmakers have generally been supportive of the NRA’s legislative agenda. However, there are some signs that the NRA’s influence may be waning, and it is possible that this relationship will change in the future.

Prolife Republicans

I pray Republicans come to know God Some day!!!!!!!

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